About MM2H

Malaysia My Second Home Programme was formerly promoted by Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (MOTAC) since 2002 to encourage foreign citizens to stay in Malaysia as their Second Home. MM2H Program is one of the most successful long stay program worldwide, managed to attract 57,478 foreigners (active). Effective from 21st January 2022, new MM2H program was launched and currently managed by Ministry of Home Affairs. MM2H visa is a Social Visit Pass with multiple entry for a period of TEN (5+5) years and is renewable after 10 years

Our MM2H Packages

Our MM2H-Related Services

Malaysia My Second Home Programme is managed by Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia to allow people from all over the world who fulfil certain criteria, to stay in Malaysia as long as possible on a social visit pass with a multiple entry visa. The Social Visit Pass is initially for a period of ten (10) years (depending on the validity of the applicants’ passport) and is renewable.

MM2H Program is available across Malaysia, however, there are significant differences in the application criteria, restrictions and incentives for West Malaysia MM2H, Sarawak MM2H and Sabah MM2H.


MM2H 10-years renewal

MM2H is a 10-years renewable multiple-entry visa. Main principal can apply for MM2H 10-years renewal if you decided to stay in Malaysia for long-term.


Visa Extension / Transfer of Old Passport to New Passport

Visa extension and transferring your MM2H visa has never been easier with us.


MM2H Add-on Dependent Visa for Spouse or Children:

Main principal who is single can apply add-on visa for spouse or children (5+5) years visa until 21 years old, after that annual renewal until 35 years old.


MM2H Add-on Social Visit Pass for Parents

Main principal can apply add-on visa for parents and parents-in-law.


MM2H Fixed Deposit Withdrawal

Main principal who purchased property, car, medical bill or school fees under his/her name can apply MM2H fixed deposit withdrawal according to category.


Permission to Study Stamp:

Children on MM2H visa are required to apply permission to study stamp to study in Malaysia.


Will writing through Advocate and Solicitor:

Main principal is advisable to prepare will in Malaysia for MM2H fixed deposit, properties and other assets in Malaysia.


Termination of MM2H Visa Pass

Main principal can apply MM2H visa termination and withdraw MM2H fixed deposit when you decide to return to home country. In the event where main principal is deceased, spouse must apply for MM2H visa termination.

Why Choose Malaysia?


Low cost of living

Cost of living is relatively high in many parts of the world but in Malaysia, you can retire comfortably.


Quality medical system

Malaysia is equipped with high quality and affordable private hospitals and medical centers.


Quality education system

The cost-effective, high-quality tertiary education is one of the many reasons why many families choose Malaysia for their children.


Pleasant weather condition

Malaysia is a tropical country where you only experience either sunny or rainy days, which makes it perfect for retirees.


Good Infrastructure & Transport system

Malaysia is equipped with world-class facilities in its major cities, making it easy for everyone to travel around Malaysia.


Natural environment for sports & recreation

Malaysia is a tropical country well equipped with national parks and exotic islands, making it perfect for recreational activity and sports.


Multi-language & Dialect speaking

In general, Malaysians can speak 3 languages: Malay, English, Tamil, and Mandarin. This makes it easy for retirees to communicate with locals.


Affordable residential properties

Malaysia was ranked No.1 as the best place for investing in 2017 and CEO WORLD in 2019, respectively. Foreigners can buy and own land on a freehold basis in Malaysia. Rental yields are high, with rates averaging at 4-5%.

Benefits of MM2H

Choosing Malaysia should be on your bucket list for many reasons.
This beautiful country has much to offer that sets it apart from the rest of Southeast Asia.
Multitudes of Asian ethnicities have settled in Malaysia over centuries, forming their own special blends distinct from their original cultures.

Our Clientelle

With market exposure and international influence of 11 years, we have a wide range of clients from diverse ethnic groups from various countries.